Monday, June 8, 2015

Ridiculously easy 70 CM Ground plane antenna

adjective. deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd. 
  1. "when you realize how ridiculous easy to build this antenna is, you will have to laugh"

This antenna I threw together with a bunch of stuff I had lying around. I measured under 1.1 swr on 70cm and pumped 40 watts into it for some test transmissions. 

BNC solder on bulkhead connector
ring lugs
solid copper wire. I used 14 guage romex

I used this online calculator to get the length of the quarter wave whip and the radials

shove the ends of the ground plane elements into the ring lugs.

solder the radiator into the bnc center pin

I cut everything long and trimmed them to adjust the swr.

the radiating element I bent into a loop to hang the antenna and just kept winding it until it tuned down the the frequency I wanted.

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